Monday 5 March 2012

Wymondham Music Festival

Dates for the Wymondham Music Festival have been announced:

Programme Launch: Saturday 5 May
Festival Fortnight: Saturday 23 June to Sunday 8 July
Midsummer Jazz Picnic: Monday 25 June

They have got many exciting things lined up for 2012, with the usual impressive range of music - from the conventional to the unusual, the dramatic to the simple. Classical, jazz, folk, concerts, recitals, workshop - there’s something for everyone. Some of this year’s highlights include:

> The Demon Barber Roadshow
Norwich Baroque with Crispian Steele-Perkins
O Duo - percussion extravaganza
Eclipse - British early music and dance
Cuillin Sound - wind trio
Jazz Piano Legends with Craig Milverton a Gershwin Evening, 1940’s Dance and all our usual favourites including lunch-time recitals, Midsummer Jazz Picnic and Market Place events.

For details of all the events & concerts and to book event tickets, visit their WEBSITE >